Good to know
Bilingual / International Schools
Bilingual schools
GRIBS I Gymnasium Ried im Innkreis Bilingual School
10 to 14/18 years of age (from 5th to 8th/12th grade)
The public secondary academic school Gymnasium Ried offers a bilingual (German – English) class for students aged 10 – 14/18 in Ried im Innkreis, implementing German as well as English as the language of instruction from the first day of school. Based on the Austrian curriculum, the programme is aimed at young people who seek a broad and balanced education on their way to the Austrian A-levels (Matura).
International schools
Anton Bruckner International School
Anton Bruckner International School (Association of Anton Bruckner International School) founded in 2008, is a co-educational, independent international school. It is the only international school in Upper Austria to offer the Primary Years Programme and Middle Years Programme authorised by the International Baccalaureate Organisation (
About ABIS
Anton Bruckner International School is a private catholic school with public status, governed by the Association of Anton Bruckner International School. Our growing school consists of 338 students and teachers from over 50 countries. Understanding, acceptance, and friendship are a way of life in this marvelously rich multi-cultural environment.
New students and parents transferring from public schools to Anton Bruckner International School can expect a life-changing educational experience, a growing pool of friends from around the world, and a feeling of empathy with life-long learners throughout the globe.
ABIS offers a Kindergarten (Early Learning Center), as well as primary and secondary education for students ages 3 to 16 years, thereby setting a milestone for continuous international education in Upper Austria. ABIS´ language of instruction is English.
To be qualified for admission to Anton Bruckner International School, a child must:
● Show acceptable skills at the appropriate academic level. These skills will be proven by a review of the previous school records as well as an adequate performance on an admissions interview.
● Have reached his/her sixth birthday on or before August 31st of the current year to enter Grade 1. If your child is born between September 2nd and December 31st, we have the possibility to screen your child upon his/her academic level.
● Children who meet the above criteria will be accepted at any point during the school year, depending upon space available in the grade level for which he/she is applying. Registration forms are available at school or can be requested by mail.
Additional offers
Anton Bruckner International School offers After School Care, a wide variety of After School Activities and a Summer Camp.
Academic Fees
Can be found on our website
Gabriele Untersperger (ABIS Principal)
Anton Bruckner International School
Wildbergstraße 18
4040 Linz
phone: +43 732 711691
LISA – Linz International School Auhof
LISA offers both the Austrian general education curriculum leading to the
Matura (general qualification for university entrance) as well as the globally recognised International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme for students aged 10 to 18.
Through this comprehensive school education, students can experience holistic personal development and prepare themselves for a successful career in our global world.
Linz International School Auhof (LISA) has been a branch of the Europa gymnasium Auhof (AHS) since 1992, making it the first and only public international school in Upper Austria. Our commitment to international education extends beyond language proficiency, as students at LISA cultivate essential intercultural competencies such as cosmopolitanism, tolerance, and respect.
LISA | EuropagymnasiumAuhof
Aubrunnerweg 4
A – 4040 Linz
Tel.: +43 (0) 732 – 245867 – 23
Fax: +43 (0) 732 – 245867 – 17
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
Studying in Austria: Study Guide