First Steps to take

Registration at the place of residence

Within three days after arrival – at the „Gemeindeamt“ or „Stadtamt“


Registration at the district administrative authority (Bezirkshauptmannschaft)

  • EU or EEA: registration certificate (Anmeldebescheiniung) not later than 4 months after arrival in Austria
  • Non-EU or non-EEA: a legal status is needed before starting work in Austria (RWR-card, RWR-plus card)


Finding accommodation

Estate Agents, advertisement in local newspapers


Identification of a car (vehicle)

Use of a vehicle displaying foreign licence number is only permitted for a certain time


Driving licence

  • EU or EEA: valid for an unlimitted period – can be converted on a voluntary basis
  • Non-EU or non EEA: if residence in Austria: 6 months starting from establishment of residence. Responsible Authority: „Bezirkshauptmannschaft“


Health insurence / e-card

  • If you work in Austria you automatically receive the e-card
  • For family members you have to contact a locally authorized health insurer:
    ÖGK (Österreichische Gesundheitskasse)


Bank account

See Link



Household-, car- , legal costs insurance,…


Registration: Kindergarten, school

With certificate of birth, school reports (certificates)



Electricity, water, television and radio = ORF-Beitrag (OBS),…


German course

See Link